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Admissions & Course PolicyWorkforce Development & Career Readiness


Learn about College of The Albemarle’s (COA) admissions and course policy for our Workforce Development and Career Readiness programs. Any adult 18 years of age or older who isn’t enrolled in school may be admitted into a Workforce Development and Career Readiness class.


23 NCAC 2C.0305: Education Services for Minors from the North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings

High School Dropouts

In some circumstances, a minor between 16 and 18 years of age who drops out of high school may be considered a student with special needs and be admitted to an appropriate College and Career Readiness or Workforce Development and Career Readiness program at COA, subject to the following conditions:

  • The local public and private school system determines that such admission is the best educational option for the student
  • The admission is approved through COA’s College and Career Readiness or Workforce Development and Career Readiness program

COA may refuse to enroll a minor, or may enroll a minor under conditional status, for any of the following reasons:

  • Suspension or expulsion from school
  • History of violent behavior
  • History of possession or use of illegal drugs
  • Other behaviors deemed inappropriate for an adult educational setting

The approval of the local school system referred to above may be waived if you’ve been out of school for at least six months, and the application is supported by a notarized petition of a parent, legal guardian, agency or other person with legal custody. The petition should certify your residence, date of birth, date of leaving school and petitioner’s legal relationship.

High School Equivalency Diploma Programs

Regulations of the State Board of Community Colleges will be followed in administering the HSED program.

High School Students

High school students who meet all COA admissions and course prerequisite requirements may be admitted to appropriate courses, provided that they’re approved by the high school principal or designee, and are making progress toward high school graduation. High school students 18 years of age or older may take classes at COA without approval from the local school system.

Tuition is currently free for high school students taking Career and College Promise classes. Once admitted, you’ll be treated the same as all other students and earn regular college credit. COA doesn’t offer high school classes.

Please refer to COA’s Accessibility Support Services policy for accommodations for students with disabilities wishing to register for Workforce Development and Career Readiness programs.