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Highbush BlueberryFenwick-Hollowell Wetlands Trail

Highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum)


Highbush blueberry is a perennial deciduous shrub found in swampy areas and higher altitude forests. It has simple oval leaves with alternate arrangement. The leaves turn from reddish green to blue-green in the summer and a variety of colors ranging from yellow to purple in the fall. Clusters of small pink or white flowers appear in spring. Fruit ripens in late summer.
Vaccinium corymbosum

Gardening Tips

Care Known Problems How to Harvest Mature Size Notes/Uses
Plant in moist, well-drained acidic soil in full sun or partial shade; In the first and second year after planting, remove the flowers to encourage growth; Prune as needed Some pathogens of Highbush blueberries include stem blight, root rot, and mildew, though these seldom occur; Soil that is too alkaline will cause leaf yellowing Pick berries as they ripen in the summer Up to 12 feet in height and 10 feet in width Birds, deer, black bears, rabbits, and humans eat the berries, which have ample iron; Butterflies and bees pollinate the flowers and feed on the nectar; Highbush blueberries are planted in a variety of gardens and used as ornamental plants and as border plants
