COA/ODU Articulation Agreement

Medical Laboratory Technology
Read about College of The Albemarle’s (COA) articulation agreement with Old Dominion University (ODU) for an associate degree in Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) with additional coursework for a Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science (BSMLS).
Learn More About COA’s MLT Program
2018 – 2019 Catalog
COA Course Prefix |
COA Course Number |
COA Course Name |
COA Course Hours |
ODU Course Prefix |
ODU Course Number |
ODU Course Name |
ODU Course Hours |
ENG | 111 | College Composition I* | 3 | ENGL | 110C | English Composition | 3 |
ENG | 112 | College Composition II* | 3 | ENGL | 211C | English Composition | 3 |
BIO | 168 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I* | 4 | BIOL | 250 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 |
MLT | 110 | Introduction to MLT | 3 | HLTH | 1ELE | Health Elective | 3 |
CIS | 111 | Basic PC Literacy | 2 | GNRL | 1ELE | Elective | 2 |
MAT | 152 | Statistical Methods I* | 4 | STAT | 130M | Elementary Statistics | 4 |
CHEM | 151 | General Chemistry I* | 4 | CHEM | 121N/122N | Foundations of Chemistry I Lecture/Lab |
4 |
CHEM | 152 | General Chemistry II* | 4 | CHEM | 123N/124N | Foundations of Chemistry II Lecture/Lab |
4 |
MLT | 111 | Urinalysis and Body Fluids | 2 | HLTH | 1ELE | Health Elective | 2 |
MLT | 120 | Hematology/Hemostasis I | 4 | HLTH | 1ELE | Health Elective | 4 |
MLT | 125 | Immunohematology I | 5 | HLTH | 1ELE | Health Elective | 5 |
MLT | 130 | Clinical Chemistry I | 4 | NS | 1REQ | Natural Science | 4 |
MLT | 140 | Intro to Microbiology | 3 | BIOL | 103 | Basic Bacteriology | 3 |
MLT | 240 | Special Clinical Microbiology | 3 | HLTH | 2ELE | Health Elective | 3 |
MLT | 220 | Hematology/Hemostasis II | 3 | HLTH | 2ELE | Health Elective | 3 |
MLT | 285 | MLT Practicum II | 13 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
MLT | 215 | Professional Issues | 1 | HLTH | 2ELE | Health Elective | 1 |
PSY | 150 | General Psychology | 3 | PSYC | 201S | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Humanities/Fine Arts | n/a | See Hum/Fine Arts CAA Courses | 3 | n/a | n/a | Philosophy and Ethics, Human Creativity or Literature Way of Knowing | 3 |
COA | COA Hours | ODU | ODU Hours |
Credits for Associate Degree in MLT | 71 | Transfer Credits from Associate Degree in MLT | 58 |
Additional Required Courses for BSMLS Degree
COA Course Prefix |
COA Course Number |
COA Course Name |
COA Course Hours |
ODU Course Prefix |
ODU Course Number |
ODU Course Name |
ODU Course Hours |
BIO | 169 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II* | 4 | BIOL | 251 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 4 |
BIOL | 111 | General Biology and Lab I* | 4 | BIOL | 121N-122N | General Biology and Lab I | 4 |
MAT | 171 | Pre-Calculus Algebra* | 3 | MATH | 162M | Pre-Calc I (any course equivalent to MATH 102M also accepted) | 3 |
Liberal Arts/ Social Sciences | n/a | Required: Minimum of 3 Hours of Humanities/Liberal Arts | 9 | n/a | n/a | Humanities/Liberal Arts Courses: Literature, Interpreting the Past, Philosophy and Ethics, Human Creativity, or Language and Culture | 9 |
COA Additional Credits Required | n/a | n/a | 20 | ODU Additional Credits Required | n/a | n/a | 20 |
COA Total Credits | n/a | n/a | 91 | ODU Total Credits | n/a | n/a | 78 |
*Indicates a departmental requirement at ODU, not automatically satisfied by completion of articulation agreement. Must earn a grade of C or better at the community college. Students must complete the following courses prior to entering the BSMLS: BIOL 121N/122N, BIOL 250, BIOL 251, CHEM 121N/122N, CHEM 123N/124N, CHEM 211 and STAT 130M.
Successful applicants will be admitted for the BSMLS online degree completion program provisionally, contingent upon passing MLT certification exam.
- If the MLT certification exam is not passed, the student accepted to BSMLS program will be able to enroll in the regular BSMLS program (not degree completion program) if space is available.
- If the applicant passes the MLT exam and is accepted to the online degree completion program but has not been working as an MLT, their competencies may need to be evaluated at clinical sites affiliated with BSMLS program. If competencies are not met, the student will be offered enrollment in clinical practicum courses designed for regular BSMLS students if space is available.
To participate in this articulation agreement, please complete the Letter of Intent.
Completion of this articulation agreement alone does not guarantee admission to ODU. All students must meet the requirements set by the Office of Admissions and the Guaranteed Admissions Agreement (GAA). Please visit ODU for more information regarding guaranteed admission to ODU.
Note: Following verification of certification and completion of all courses in this agreement, the lower division general education requirements will be met. Oral Communication is met in the major. In addition, students will be exempt** from Organic Chemistry Lab, and MLS 441, 442, 443 and 444.
**Exemption may be revoked if the student is on probation following admission to ODU or if their performance in MLT-to-MLS courses is not satisfactory (a “B” or higher is required).
Requirements for BSMLS to Be Completed at ODU
Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name | Course Hours |
CHEM | 211 | Organic Chemistry Lecture | 3 |
MLS | 309 | Medical Bacteriology | 3 |
MLS | 311 | Hematology | 3 |
MLS | 315 | Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis | 3 |
MLS | 324 | Clinical Instrumentation and Electronics | 3 |
MLS | 326 | Immunohematology | 3 |
MLS | 340 | Medical Parasitology, Mycology and Virology | 1 |
MLS | 350 | Urinalysis | 1 |
MLS | 351 | Clinical Biochemistry | 3 |
MLS | 403W | Management in the Clinical Setting | 3 |
MLS | 440 | Statistical Applications and Data Analysis/Clinical Settings | 3 |
MLS | 441 | Clinical Hematology Competencies (waived of MLS 311 and 315 passed with a “B” or better) | 0-1 |
MLS | 442 | Clinical Microbiology Competencies (waived if MLS 309 and MLS 340 passed with a “B” or better) | 0-1 |
MLS | 443 | Clinical Chemistry Competencies (waived if MLS 324 and MLS 351 passed with a “B” or better) | 0-1 |
MLS | 444 | Clinical Blood Bank Competency (waived if MLS 326 passed with a “B” or better) | 0-1 |
MLS | 445 | Advanced Clinical Practicum | 3 |
MLS | 457 | Medical Laboratory Science Seminar | 1 |
Upper Division General Education Elective I PHIL 345E Bioethics |
n/a | n/a | 3 |
Upper Division General Education Elective I (Outside College of Health Sciences) |
n/a | n/a | 3 |
Credits to be taken at ODU | n/a | n/a | 39 – 43 |
Summary | Credit Hours |
Transfer credits from associate degree | 58 |
Additional credits required | 20 |
Credits to be taken at ODU | 39 – 43 |
Total credits, including electives, if needed | 120 – 121 |