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Student Achievement Goals and Outcomes

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North Carolina Community College (NCCCS) Performance Measures

Performance Measures minimum targets and goals are determined using performance level demarcations established by the NCCCS. COA minimum targets are set to correlate with the Below Average, Above Baseline Level. COA future goals are set to correlate with one level above the current year’s level.  NCCCS performance levels are as follows:

  • Met or Exceeded Excellence Level
  • Above Average Band, Below Excellence
  • Within Average Band
  • Below Average Band, Above Baseline Level
  • Below Baseline Level

For the complete Performance Measures Report, visit the NCCCS Analytics and Reporting webpage.

Performance Measure 2022 Minimum Target 2022 Goal * 2022 Outcome 2023 Minimum Target 2023 Goal 2023 Outcome 2024 Minimum Target 2024 Goal 2024 Outcome 2025 Minimum Target 2025 Goal
Basic Skills Progress 15.8% 42.5% 0.899
0.284 1.172 0.85
0.528 1.003 1.106
0.544 1.216
Credit English Success 47.2% 70.4% 1.161
0.748 1.147 1.091
0.724 1.144 1.132
0.728 1.174
Credit Math Success 30% 46.3% 1.05
0.663 1.105 0.847
0.627 1.005 0.844
0.666 1.024
First-Year Progression 56.9% 71.8% 0.992
0.873 1.037 1.002
0.875 1.035 1.070
0.9 1.063
Curriculum Completion Rate 43.2% 61.3% 1.084
0.854 1.094 1.146
0.851 1.086 0.994
0.818 1.048
Licensure Passing Rate Index 0.76 1.09 1.093 0.801 1.073 1.069 0.807 1.069 1.042 0.812 1.073
Transfer Performance 79.4% 87.2% 0.988
0.923 1.008 0.973
0.872 1.009 0.986
0.918 1.012

*Beginning with the 2022 reports, outcomes are reported using an index measurement.

Performance Indicator Definitions

Basic Skills Student Progress

Index score based on the percentage of Basic Skills periods of participation (POP) with a measurable skill gain (MSG).

Student Success Rate in College-Level English Courses

Index score based on the percentage of first‐time fall associate degree seeking and transfer pathway students passing a credit‐bearing English course with a “C” or better within three years.

Student Success Rate in College-Level Math Courses

Index score based on the percentage of first‐time fall associate degree seeking and transfer pathway students passing a credit‐bearing Math course with a “C” or better within three years.

First-Year Progression

Index score based on the percentage of first‐time fall credential-seeking curriculum students graduated prior to or enrolled in postsecondary education the subsequent fall semester.

Curriculum Completion

Index score based on the percentage of first‐time fall credential-seeking curriculum students who graduate, transfer, or are enrolled during the fourth academic year with 42 successfully completed non-developmental hours.

Licensure and Certification Passing Rate

Index score based on the percentage of first‐time test‐takers passing licensure and certification exams within each exam. Exams included in this measure are state mandated exams which candidates must pass before becoming active practitioners.

College Transfer Performance

Index score based on the percentage of community college students (Associate Degree completers and those who have completed 30 or more articulated transfer credits) transferring at a four‐year university or college during the fall semester who remain enrolled at any four‐year university or college the subsequent fall semester or graduate prior to.

IPEDS Graduation Rate

College of The Albemarle has chosen the IPEDS 150% Rate as its graduation metric. This overall graduation rate is also known as the “Student Right to Know” graduation rate. It tracks the progress of students who began their studies as full-time, first-time degree- or certificate-seeking students to see if they complete a degree or other award such as a certificate within 150% of “normal time” for completing the program in which they are enrolled.

Minimum targets were established by using the lowest graduation rate in the three data years leading up to the goal year. Goals were established by using the average graduation rate for the three data years leading up to the goal year and adding one percentage point.

Overall IPEDS 150% Graduation Rate Goals and Outcomes

2020 Report (2016 Cohort) Minimum Target 2020 Report (2016 Cohort) Goal 2020 Report (2016 Cohort) Outcome 2021 Report (2017 Cohort) Minimum Target 2021 Report (2017 Cohort) Goal 2021 Report (2017 Cohort) Outcome 2022 Report (2018 Cohort) Minimum Target 2022 Report (2018 Cohort) Goal 2022 Report (2018 Cohort) Outcome
Overall Graduation Rate 23% 28% 35% 23% 31% 40% 33% 37% 31%

Disaggregated IPEDS 150% Graduation Rates

Student Population 2020 Report (2016 Cohort) 2021 Report (2017 Cohort) 2022 Report (2018 Cohort)
Overall 35% 40% 31%
American Indian or Alaska Native 67%
Asian 50% 100% 0%
Black or African-American 33% 28%
Hispanic/Latino 30% 30% 23%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 100% 100%
White 36% 40% 34%
Multi-racial 33% 13% 9%
Race/Ethnicity Unknown 0% 57% 43%
Nonresident Alien 100% 100% 50%
Pell Grant Recipients 33% 41% 30%
Non-Pell Grant Recipients 38% 39% 32%



Roughton, Dr. Dean

Vice President, Institutional Research, Planning, Effectiveness and Technology

COA – Elizabeth City: A 103

252-335-0821 ext. 2306