Programs/Courses Offered:
- CNC Laser & Router
- Forklift
- Marine Painting & Coating
- Truck Driver Training
- Welding
- Maritime Fast-Track (Deck Hand)
To learn more on classes, please contact 252-335-0821 ext. 2250 or visit
Job Opportunities
Check out these employment opportunities from College of The Albemarle!
- Marine Painting and Coating Instructor, Part-Time: $32-$45/Hour depending on experience. Location at COA – Elizabeth City.
- Marine Trades Instructor – Boat Building and Deckhands: $23-$32/Hour depending on experience. Location at COA – Edenton-Chowan & COA – Dare.
For additional information, please contact John Stolarczyk at [email protected] or 252-453-3035 ext. 8113
Local employers need to fill over 11,000 jobs in positions such as welding, pipefitting, shipfitting, outside machining, marine electrical, commercial driving, port logistics, and offshore wind.
College of The Albemarle (COA) offers classes needed to support RMTS’ efforts to bolster the workforce for local companies – supporting regional shipbuilding, ship repair industries, and the broader maritime business community.
The Regional Maritime Training System, led by the Hampton Roads Workforce Council is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. VA Relay 711.
The Regional Maritime Training System (RMTS) was established using a $11 million (41%) Good Jobs Challenge Grant awarded by the Economic Development Administration. It is supported by $12.1 million (46%) provided through BlueForge Alliance in partnership with the U.S. Department of the Navy, $850,000 (3%) from the U.S. Department of Labor/ETA – Community Project Funding, and $3.5 million (10%) from non-federal sources.