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Financial Aid Offer Information

Federal and State Awards

Federal Awards

Students are eligible to receive the Federal Pell Grant for a maximum of 12 semesters (or its equivalent of 600 percent). Since the maximum amount of Pell Grant funding a student can receive each year is equal to 100 percent, the six-year equivalent is 600 percent. Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) includes Pell Grants received from any college at any point since the program was established.

You’re required to meet satisfactory academic progress requirements in order to qualify for Federal Student Aid. Fresh Start and course repeat policies don’t exempt you from meeting satisfactory academic progress based upon all academic work attempted.

State Awards

Students are eligible to receive the Next NC Scholarship for up to 72 credit hours.

Students who receive the Next NC Scholarship and/or the North Carolina Longleaf Commitment Grant and withdraw prior to completing 35 percent of the semester, will be required to repay a portion of these funds.

General Information

The 2024-2025 Financial Aid Offer you receive reflects the type of funds for which you are currently eligible, the total amount for the academic year, and the maximum you may receive in each term. Final approval of eligibility will be determined upon review of the 2024 spring and summer semester academic transcripts. All transcripts will be evaluated for grade point average, hours
attempted, hours completed, time limitation and eligible program of study. The remaining Time Limit for students who change their major to a Diploma or Certificate program may be considerably reduced. Students will only be notified in the event that they are not considered eligible based upon the evaluation of spring and/or summer semester transcripts. Notification will also be made when program changes significantly affect the time limit remaining.

Please be aware that all funds listed on your 2024-2025 Financial Aid Offer are contingent upon receipt of funding from the U.S. Department of Education or other sources and may be adjusted or denied at any time.

Your actual financial aid amounts may be different from your Financial Aid Offer. Reasons for the difference may include:

  • Taking fewer than 12 required credits — offer letters are based on anticipated full-time enrollment
  • Enrolling in late starting classes — funds cannot be disbursed until attendance in a class is verified
  • Adding a late-starting class after the Census Date of the semester
  • Taking classes not required for graduation from your program
  • Exceeding the Developmental Time Limit — financial aid is available for up to a maximum of 30 credit hours of developmental coursework
  • Exceeding your Program of Study Time Limit
  • Not meeting the enrollment requirements for your funds
  • To establish and retain eligibility for North Carolina Scholarship and grants, students must obtain and maintain North Carolina residency, as determined by the State of North Carolina.
  • Recipients of North Carolina grants/scholarships must be enrolled for at least 6 required credits to be considered for a reduced amount
  • The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant and COA Foundation scholarships may be offered to alternate eligible students if the original recipient is not enrolled by the census date of a semester

This web page contains information about Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements, enrollment requirements for funding, ordering/charging books at the COA Bookstore, the 2024 – 2025 Pay Schedule and other aid opportunities. Should you need additional assistance with tuition and fees, please consider the Automatic Payment Plan our college offers.

Academic Programs Eligible for Federal/State Aid

Year-Round Pell Grant/Summer Aid

Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements (PDF)

How to Order Books Online (PDF)

Pay Schedule

Fall 2024

File Completion Pay Date*
Aug. 30 Sept. 18
Sept. 25 Oct. 8
Oct. 23 Nov. 7
Nov. 15 Nov. 26
Dec. 6 Dec. 16

*Subject to change without notice.

All checks will be mailed to students. Attendance will be verified before any type of Financial Aid check will be issued.

Cost of Attendance

COA Cost of Attendance

Each institution determines its own cost of attendance or budget. This includes both direct educational costs (such as tuition, fees, books and supplies) as well as living costs (room and board, transportation and personal expenses). Financial aid can be applied toward direct educational costs as well as living costs. Other costs may vary upon dependency status. Contact the Financial Aid Office at 252-335-0821 ext. 2385 for additional information.