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COA Study Abroad ProgramA North Carolina Scholar of Global Distinction Program

COA Study Abroad Program

College of The Albemarle (COA) students may gain global experience by participating in any of the college’s study abroad trips. Dual enrolled students are eligible if they will be 16 years old by the time of the trip. Partial student scholarships may be available for some trips. While students have the first right to participate, any available spots are open to faculty, staff and community members.

For comprehensive program information including requirements, expectations and forms, review the COA Study Abroad Program Participant Handbook.

Upcoming COA Study Abroad Trip

Spring Break 2026: London, England and Paris, France

London/Paris Itinerary 2026*

London/Paris Interest Meeting Presentation*

*Prices listed are subject to change as we approach the trip departure date.  Please contact Leslie Lippincott for current trip prices.

North Carolina Scholar of Global Distinction Program

College of The Albemarle (COA) is proud to be a member institution of the North Carolina Scholar of Global Distinction Program (NCSGDP). A broad knowledge of other countries and cultures is important for citizens in today’s global community. In addition, employers increasingly seek globally competent/aware employees. COA values cultural diversity and supports “an emphasis on teaching about global issues and world regions to prepare students to work in a global economy and live in an interconnected world.”

Past Trips

Previous COA Study Abroad trips have included cultural exploration, recreational activities, and/or service learning volunteer opportunities in these locations:

  • Winter 2017 – 2018: Nicaragua
  • Summer 2018: Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and France
  • Spring Break 2019: Costa Rica
  • Spring Break 2020: Puerto Rico (cancelled due to the pandemic)
  • Spring Break 2021: Thailand (cancelled due to the pandemic)
  • Spring Break 2022: France, Monaco and Spain
  • Spring Break 2023: Belize
  • Spring Break 2024: Costa Rica (cancelled)

Get Prepared

In preparation for studying abroad, participants should have a current passport. Information on how to apply can be found at the U.S. Passports and International Travel website.
Health information and recommendations for international travelers can be found at the Traveler’s Health page on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.
A currency converter can provide an estimate of the value of the U.S. dollar when changed to foreign currency. Currency exchange rates change over time, so it’s a good idea to get an estimate when planning travel and also an updated estimate closer to departure.
Donations to support study abroad for students can be made by visiting the COA Foundation Make a Gift page. Under “Designation,” choose “Other” and then type “Study Abroad” in the other designation box. Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible.

Financial Aid

COA’s Study Abroad program uses a short-term, non-credit model and, therefore, is not eligible for federal student financial aid. Local support funds may exist for student participants.


For more information, visit COA’s Study Abroad Facebook™ page, or contact a program coordinator:

  • Boswell, Bradley

  • Assistant Professor, Spanish/French

  • COA – Elizabeth City: A 240

  • 252-335-0821 ext. 2205

  • Lippincott, Leslie

  • Associate Professor/Program Coordinator, Culinary Arts, Edenton-Chowan Campus

  • COA – Edenton-Chowan: 202

  • 252-482-7900 ext. 6017